Contenders Athletic Club


October 3rd, 2023

The past weekend we held our first party since our expansion. It was the first time having our fitness, squash, and boxing members all together. The night started off with a squash tournament, followed by live sparring, and then we had social hour with pizza and drinks, and concluded the evening with the pay per view of the Canelo VS Charlo fight.

Squash Tournament: We set out 3 teams (USA, Europe, and Canada) with players teams selected at random and our players spanning from the ages of 20-75.

Live Sparring: While we usually do live sparring at all our parties we did shake it up by having 2 of our amateur boxing fighters act as coaches for those in the ring. There was a total of 4 fights.


Social Hour: While we waited for the big event, our members had the time to chat with each other, have some drinks, and eat pizza. There was a ton of interest amongst our boxing members and squash members trying out each others sports as the members of both sports mingled. 

Canelo VS Charlo: We brought in the bleachers from the squash courts, tuned out the lights, and 

Since our event did land on National Truth and Reconciliation Day we had members pay for drinks by donation, and raised $686.85 that we will be donating to Urban Native Youth Association.